CS21: Quiz 1 Topics

You should understand the following terms:

You should be able to use the following Python concepts and functions:

Sample practice problems

  1. Show the output from the following code fragments:
    for i in range(5):
    for x in range(2,10,3):
    for ch in "hello!":
  2. Write a program to convert a certain number of gallons (entered by a user) to liters. There are 3.79 liters in a gallon.
    $ python gallons.py
    Gallons: 2
    That's 7.58 liters.
  3. Write a for loop that prints your name 10 times.
  4. Write a for loop that prints the odd numbers from 11 to 51.
  5. What is the value and type for each of the following expressions? Try them in python to check your answers. Note: not all expressions shown are allowed in python.
    • 2 + 5 (for example: value=7 type=int)
    • "2" + "5"
    • 2**5
    • 2.0 + 5
    • 5/2
    • 5/2.0
    • 8 / 10
    • 8 % 10
    • 8 / 10.0
    • range(1,5)
    • range(10,1,-1)
    • range(3)
    • 5 - 2 * 3
    • "pony" * 3
    • "Jeffrey" - "rey"