Week 7: Top down design

Class Recordings

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Week 7




Week 8



Friday - no recording, Kevin was out


  • Lab 6 available now, due Saturday night

  • You will likely need to work on lab 6 in the CS labs (not remotely)

Week 7 Topics

  • Top-Down Design

  • Bottom-Up Implementation


Top Down Design

Top Down Design (TDD) is a problem solving technique where we:

  • Start with general description of problem

  • Break it into several high-level steps

  • Iteratively break the steps into smaller steps until you have steps that are easier to solve

Top-down design is a lot like creating a paper outline for a large paper where you start with the main sections, and iteratively refine each part with more and more detail until you are ready to start writing the paper.

When you use top-down design, your resulting program’s structure will match the above idea of an outline: the main function should have calls to a few high-level functions, one for each high-level step; high-level functions have calls to unctions that implement sub-steps of the high-level step; and so on.

Iterative Refinement

When writing a large program, programmers use iterative refinement: do some top-down design, write function stubs for this part of code and maybe some implementation, then test. Iteratively, add more functions to accomplish subproblems, and perhaps refine some of the steps using top-down design, and test, and so on. The idea is to write some code, test it, then write a little more code, and test it before writing even more. Usually, I write a function, then test it, write another function, test it, …​ This way if I’m careful about testing, I know that if there is a bug in my program it is with the new code I’ve just added.

Function Prototyping

We often use prototyping to just put in function stubs so we can test the whole program’s flow of control without having to have a full implementation. For example, here is a stub for a function to compute square root (it doesn’t actually do anything related to the task, but we can call it from other parts of our program to see if the program’s flow matches the design):

def squareRoot(num):
    This function computes the square root of a number.
      num: the number
      returns: the square root of num

    print("inside squareRoot")

    # TODO: implement this function

    return 1  # a bogus return value, but it let's me run the program
              # and make calls to this function stub to "see" program flow

def main():

    # a sample call to our function to see if it works
    test = squareRoot(16)

    # for now, the program doesn't crash, but returns an incorrect result
    # of the correct type. We can now go back an refine our function
    print("Answer is: %.2f " % (test))


Let’s try it out…​

We are going to walk through the process of designing a computer game to simulate the dice game Craps. The rules for a single game are as follows:

  1. A player rolls a pair of six-sided dice.

  2. If the initial roll in step 1 is a 2, 3, or 12, the player loses.

  3. If the initial roll in step 1 is a 7 or an 11, the player wins.

  4. Otherwise, the player must roll for point. In this case, the player keeps rolling until she re-rolls the initial roll in step 1. (a winning game), or rolls a 7 (a losing game).

What are the chances of winning a single game of craps? Instead of heading to the casino, let’s use our Computer Science top down design skills to see if this is a good game to play. Our program should ask the user for the number of craps games to simulate and then output the percentage of games won.

Working with a partner, think about how you can design main to be very short, maybe 5-10 lines with calls to 2-3 helper functions. How would you design main? What would the input parameters and return values of your helper functions be? Do not worry about the implementation of the helper functions at this point. Your discussion should focus on the high level concepts, not the low level python details.

Nested Loops

We’ve seen the classic for loop many times now:

for i in range(10):

We know that the LOOP BODY can contain anything: print statements, calls to input(), if / else conditionals, and many other things. But what if we put another for loop inside the body of a loop?

Putting one loop in the body of another is called a nested loop, and it’s a common (and very helpful!) repetition pattern. Let’s look at some examples in nested.py.


File Input/Output

A file is a sequence of data that is stored on your computer. For many tasks, especially tasks that use large amounts of data, input data will come from one or more files, and you will write output to a file instead of to the screen.

A file is typically made of many lines. There is a special newline character that is stored at the end of each line in a file: "\n". However, it is not visible when you look at the file.

Today, we’ll use a running example using a file named bestInShow.txt. We’ll also look at an example file, colors.txt that has a list of color names.

First, let’s look at these file in atom:

  • colors.txt:

    Antique Brass
    Atomic Tangerine
    Banana Mania
  • bestInShow.txt:

    2017,Brussels Griffon,Newton
    2015,Skye Terrier,Charlie
    2013,American Foxhound,Jewel

In this file, data about each winner is stored on a separate line. Each line has the same format:


To open a file, the syntax is: <filevar> = open(<filename>, <mode>)

  • <filevar> is what your program will call the file.

  • <filename> is the name of the file, in this case colors.txt or bestInShow.txt.

  • <mode> is how you plan to use the file. "r" is for reading, "w" is for writing.

To close a file, execute: <filevar>.close()

There are a couple of ways that you can read data from a file. Here is perhaps the simplest:

infile = open("myfile", "r")
for line in infile:
    # process one line of the file

You can also read all the lines in at once (be careful using this with large files!):

infile = open("myfile", "r")
# lines is now a list of strings, one for each line of the file
lines = infile.readlines()
for line in lines:
    # process one line at a time

Let’s start by just trying to see the contents of the file:

infile = open("colors.txt", "r")
for line in infile:

Is the output of this code snippet what you expected? How is it different than the input file?

The first thing you’ll probably want to do with a file is remove the newline character from the end of the line. You can do this with the strip() method.

For files with multiple pieces of data per line, you’ll want to break the line up into those individual pieces. Do this with the split() method. This will take a single string and return a list of "words" — it treats spaces like dividers for different pieces of data.

Common String methods for file I/O

  • line.strip() — remove trailing whitespace (e.g., spaces, tabs "\t", newlines "\n")

  • line.split() — treat line as a list of strings separated by whitespace. return that list

  • line.split(<pattern>) — like line.split(), but treat as list of strings separated by <pattern>

List of lists

We’ve talked over the semester how a lists can contain any type of data. Lists can even contain other lists. Lists of lists are common with when doing file I/O. If each line is a list of data, then its common to store load the entire contents of the file in to a big list, where each element is itself a list representing data from one line of the file.

Let’s modify our winners.py program to store our information in a list of lists called winners:

Each winner is a list containing year, breed, and name.

winners = [ ['2018', 'Whippet', 'Whiskey'], ['2017', 'Brussels Griffon', 'Newton'], ['2016', 'Greyhound', 'Gia'], …​ ]

What would winners[0] evaluate to? What about winners[1]?

You can use double indexing to get at the data inside the winners list.

  • winners[0][0] yields 2018

  • winners[0][1] yields Whippet

  • winners[1][1] yields Brussels Griffon

Let’s go back to our program and modify it to store the winners information in a list of lists:

infile = open("bestInShow.txt", "r")
winners = []
for line in infile:
    winner = line.strip().split(",")
print("There are %d winners in the list." % (len(winners)))

Monday (Week 08)

Working with lists of lists

Last week we saw how to read and parse a text file into a list of lists. With the data in a more python friendly format, we can use the list of lists to explore the data.

Let’s start by writing a function get_winners(winners, breed) that prints all the winners that match a specified breed. Work with a partner to design, implement and test your function. One thing you will need to think about is how to get access to the breed of each winner in the list of lists, preferably in a loop. If there are no winners of a particular breed, you should print a helpful message instead of printing nothing.

Wednesday (Week 08)

Stack Diagram Recap

We’ll briefly walk through the stack diagram portion of lab 5. Please ask questions if you have them!

Adding winners

Since lists are mutable, we can update our list of lists structure inside python. Let’s write an add_winner(winners, year, breed, name) function that adds a new winner to our winners list. Work with a partner to answer the questions below before writing your solution.

  1. Does add_winner need to return anything? Why or why not?

  2. What are the types of the parameters for the add_winner function?

  3. How is each winner stored in the winners list?

  4. How will you use the input parameters provided to perform the task of adding a new winner?

  5. How can you test your function after writing it?

Implement and test your function.

Writing Files

In addition to reading from files, you can also write files with python. We need to be a little careful here, because python can potentially overwrite important data — make sure to double-check the filename before writing! To write a file, you’ll need to pass in a different argument to the open function’s mode parameter.

mode Meaning to Python


Open file for reading only, starting at the beginning of the file.


Open file for writing only, starting at the beginning of the file. If the file isn’t empty, this will delete the contents — it "truncates" the file!


Open file for writing only, starting at the end of the file. This mode does not delete the contents, it’s meant for appending to the end of a file.


Open file for both reading and writing, starting at the beginning of the file. While this may seem like the best of both worlds, it’s relatively rare for a program to read and write the same file at once.

After opening a file for writing, you can write to it with the file’s write() method. Note that Python does not automatically add a newline (\n) after a call to write() like it does for print(). You can add them to the file by including \n in the string you tell python to write. For example, to write a series of integers to a file:

# Open file for writing.
f = open("output.txt", "w")

# Write the numbers 0-9 to the file, each on a separate line (separated by a newline character \n).
for i in range(10):
    f.write("%d\n" % (i))

# Close the file when done.

Saving Winners to a File

Let’s try writing the dog show winners, including any that you’ve added with add_winner(), to a file. Add a save_winners() function to your program. In it, you should:

  1. Open the file:

    output = open("savedWinners.txt", "w")
  2. Write each winner in the same format as the original bestInShow.txt file:

  3. Close the file:
