CS21 Lab 9: Example Output

This is output from a large run of a working program.

  • It includes examples of each menu option, some menu options selected more than one time. Note that

  • It includes examples of handling bad input values from the user (not necessarily handling every possible case).

  • It shows examples of output printed in tabular format that your solution should mimic.

User input is shown in bold.

$ python3 climate2.py
There are data for 193 countries in this file

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 1

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 10

Enter a year (one of 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, 2022): 2000

 2000      Emissions in Mt          Country
  1.         6010.135900          United States of America
  2.         3649.200900          China
  3.         3601.508800          European Union (27)
  4.         1479.142500          Russia
  5.         1263.754800          Japan
  6.          977.526400          India
  7.          898.938000          Germany
  8.          569.033700          United Kingdom
  9.          567.096100          Canada
 10.          470.524100          Italy

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 1

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 5

Enter a year (one of 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, 2022): 2022

 2022      Emissions in Mt          Country
  1.        11396.777400          China
  2.         5057.303800          United States of America
  3.         2829.644200          India
  4.         2761.907100          European Union (27)
  5.         1652.177300          Russia

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 2

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 20

Enter a year (one of 1960 or 2020): 1960

 1960      CO2(Mt)           GDP(B)        Country
  1.     2897.315300       543.300000     United States of America
  2.      584.020000        73.233968     United Kingdom
  3.      296.114100        62.225478     France
  4.      798.799900        59.716468     China
  5.      232.499600        44.307343     Japan
  6.      192.716200        40.461722     Canada
  7.      109.203100        40.385288     Italy
  8.      111.325100        37.029884     India
  9.       87.444300        18.606787     Australia
 10.       46.851800        17.030466     Brazil
 11.       49.170500        15.822585     Sweden
 12.       16.798500        13.983573     Turkey
 13.       63.052300        13.040000     Mexico
 14.       73.437600        12.276734     Netherlands
 15.       48.865600        12.072126     Spain
 16.       90.908100        11.658723     Belgium
 17.       19.498500         9.522747     Switzerland
 18.       97.843500         8.748597     South Africa
 19.       57.016800         7.779091     Venezuela
 20.        8.325100         7.515887     Philippines

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 2

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 193

Enter a year (one of 1960 or 2020): 188
188 is not a valid value, try again
Enter a year (one of 1960 or 2020): 2020

 2020      CO2(Mt)           GDP(B)        Country
  1.     4714.628000     20893.743830     United States of America
  2.     2629.970600     15300.141970     European Union (27)
  3.    10914.012200     14687.673890     China
  4.     1039.795900      5040.107754     Japan
  5.      647.252300      3846.413929     Germany
  6.      326.263200      2756.900214     United Kingdom
  7.     2421.552300      2667.687952     India
  8.      281.539000      2630.317731     France
  9.      303.281300      1892.574064     Italy
 10.      522.845300      1645.423408     Canada
185.        0.051296         0.114627     Nauru
186.        0.010992         0.055055     Tuvalu

7 of top 193 have missing CO2 or GDP data for 2020

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 8
8 is not a valid choice, try again
Enter a value betweeen 1 and 5: 3

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 3000
3000 is not a valid choice, try again
Enter a value betweeen 1 and 193: -4
-4 is not a valid choice, try again
Enter a value betweeen 1 and 193: 5

Enter a year (one of 1960 or 2020): 1960

 1960   C02(Mt)/M people     CO2(Mt)       Population(M)    Country
  1.       36.652546        11.507800         0.313970     Luxembourg
  2.       28.982329         7.797000         0.269026     Kuwait
  3.       16.036416      2897.315300       180.671000     United States of America
  4.       12.105945        14.666800         1.211537     Estonia
  5.       11.178347       813.950200        72.814900     Germany

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 3

Pick a value for n
Enter a value between 1 and 193: 10

Enter a year (one of 1960 or 2020): 2020

 2020   C02(Mt)/M people     CO2(Mt)       Population(M)    Country
  1.       35.577600       102.501200         2.881060     Qatar
  2.       25.376757        11.101900         0.437483     Brunei
  3.       25.030315        35.029700         1.399491     Trinidad and Tobago
  4.       22.880449        97.712400         4.270563     Kuwait
  5.       21.977124        37.395900         1.701583     Bahrain
  6.       21.917041       216.768300         9.890400     United Arab Emirates
  7.       17.543957       610.773000        34.813867     Saudi Arabia
  8.       15.439267       396.685200        25.693267     Australia
  9.       14.222059      4714.628000       331.501080     United States of America
 10.       13.745629       522.845300        38.037204     Canada

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 4

Enter the name of a country: Qatar

  1960 pop:     0.047383  2020 pop:     2.881060
  1960 GDP:      missing  2020 GDP:   144.411363
          1960         1980         2000         2020         2022
      0.175870    13.081700    40.314500   102.501200   101.340400

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 4

Enter the name of a country: Norway

  1960 pop:     3.581239  2020 pop:     5.379475
  1960 GDP:     5.163272  2020 GDP:   362.198318
          1960         1980         2000         2020         2022
     13.086800    31.777000    42.110000    41.231000    40.808000

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 4

Enter the name of a country: hello

Sorry, hello is not in the database

================== Menu ======================
1. The n largest C02 producing countries in given year
2. The CO2 values for n coutries with largest GDP in given year
3. The n largest CO2/population producing countries in a given year
4. Print a country's info
5. Quit

Select a menu option
Enter a value between 1 and 5: 5
bye bye