Sort Demographics Example
This example shows handling invalid input.
python3 Please select one of the following choices: 1. Filter records by state name 2. Filter records by total population 3. Sort by state name 4. Sort by total population 5. Reset list to all records 0. Quit Enter selection: 6 Invalid choice, please enter a number between 0 and 5: -3 Invalid choice, please enter a number between 0 and 5: quit Invalid choice, please enter a number between 0 and 5: I'm done Invalid choice, please enter a number between 0 and 5: 2 Enter the minimum population: -2 Error: must be a positive integer; please try again! Enter the minimum population: 1 Enter the maximum population: 5 No records found Please select one of the following choices: 1. Filter records by state name 2. Filter records by total population 3. Sort by state name 4. Sort by total population 5. Reset list to all records 0. Quit Enter selection: 1 State prefix: 2 No records found Please select one of the following choices: 1. Filter records by state name 2. Filter records by total population 3. Sort by state name 4. Sort by total population 5. Reset list to all records 0. Quit Enter selection: 3 No records found Please select one of the following choices: 1. Filter records by state name 2. Filter records by total population 3. Sort by state name 4. Sort by total population 5. Reset list to all records 0. Quit Enter selection: 4 No records found Please select one of the following choices: 1. Filter records by state name 2. Filter records by total population 3. Sort by state name 4. Sort by total population 5. Reset list to all records 0. Quit Enter selection: 0 Goodbye!