Search Demographics Example

This is an example of searching by population.

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
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Enter selection: 3
Minimum population? 6000000

|          County |  State |   Ed-HS|   H-Own%|  # House | Pop-2020 | Pop. PSQM|
| Los Angeles Cou |     CA |   79.1 |     45.8|  3316795 | 10014009 |      2419|

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 3
Minimum population? 5000000

|          County |  State |   Ed-HS|   H-Own%|  # House | Pop-2020 | Pop. PSQM|
|     Cook County |     IL |   87.1 |     56.9|  1972108 |  5275541 |      5495|
| Los Angeles Cou |     CA |   79.1 |     45.8|  3316795 | 10014009 |      2419|

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 3
Minimum population? 1000000000

No records found

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1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 0
