CS21 Lab 9: Sorting

  • Implementation: due Saturday, April 18th, before midnight


  • sorting algorithms

  • top-down design

  • reading files

1. Restaurant analysis

In restaurant_sort.py, you will write a program that works with the same dataset as last week, but allows users to filter restaurants by keywords and then sort the results by the number of reviews.

We will work with the following properties of businesses from the yelp dataset.

Table 1. Table Restaurant



API method example

Example data



name = business.getName()

"#1 Hawaiian Barbecue"



city = business.getCity()

"Las Vegas"



state = business.getState()


Review count


count = business.getReviewCount()




stars = business.getStars()



list (of str)

categories = business.getCategories()

"Restaurants", "Hawaiian", "Seafood", "Barbeque"

Below are sample runthroughs of the program:

1.1. Getting started

Sketch a program restaurant_sort.py that will implement your restaurant analysis.

  • Copy menu.py from assignment #4 an import it into your program

  • Create a TDD for your program. Create placeholder functions for every feature

  • Import the class Restaurant defined in restaurant.py into your program

  • Re-use your function to read in restaurants.json into a list of Restaurant from assignment 8

1.2. Feature: Search names by keyword

Implement a feature that allows the user to search restaurant names which contain a keyword.


  • The search should be case-insenstive (Hint: use <str>.lower())

  • The keyword can appear anywhere in the name (you may use the in operator)

  • The results should be sorted by number of reviews

  • At most 25 results should be displayed

  • The program should show the name, location, review count, and stars for each restaurant

  • You may not use Python’s built-in sorting algorithms!

  • …​but you can implement any sorting algorithm you like best!

1.3. Feature: Plan a night out

Implement a feature which allows the user to plan a night out.


  • Ask the user for the desired city and state

  • Ask the user for the desired keyword for searching names

  • List the results. Sort by the number of reviews

  • Show at most 25 restaurants

  • We recommend you first search by name and then filter the results by city/state. You can re-use your function which searches by name.

1.4. Extra Challenge: Plan a night out by name and category

Extend your planning feature to look for the keyword in both the restaurant’s name and categories.

1.5. Extra Challenge: Optimized selection sort

Since we always limit the results to the top 25, rather than sorting the entire list of results, we really only need to know the top 25 of them. Try writing a version of selection sort that takes the results and a topN parameter and returns a sorted list containing just the topN.

1.6. Extra Challenge: Search categories by keyword

Implement a feature that allows the user to search restaurant categories for a keyword.

This feature is similar to the previous one, except that categories are a list of strings that you will need to search. Try to structure your program so that you reuse as much code as possible between these two features.

2. Answer the Questionnaire

Please edit the Questions-09.txt file in your cs21/labs/09 directory and answer the questions in that file.

Once you’re done with that, run handin21 again.

3. Turning in your labs…​.

Remember to run handin21 to turn in your lab files! You may run handin21 as many times as you want. Each time it will turn in any new work. We recommend running handin21 after you complete each program or after you complete significant work on any one program.