CS21 Lab 2 Linux Adventure

Due at the same time as your Lab 2 assignment.

This optional adventure will give you practice with linux commands cd, ls, pwd, cat and cp. You will need to copy a file to the correct location.

In this adventure, you are searching for a specific pokémon across the pokéworld.

Figure 1. src

The pokéworld is divided into different regions (example Johto, Kanto, Hoenn etc). Each region contains different cities and towns. And each city/town has different locations within it (such as pokégyms, pokéhospitals, different stores etc.). Within these places you can search for clues (files) that will help you on your hunt!

The tools you will need to search are detailed below:

Your mode of travel are the following commands:

cd <dir>

  change directory to desired directory

cd ../

move backwards out of directory up one level

Your GPS is:


print working directory - will give you your current location


lists all of the things in your current location(directory). Clues can be found in files or locations/directories

To check contents of a file:

cat <filename> 

outputs contents of a file to your terminal

less <filename> 

an interactive way to read a file, use space bar to page down, q to exit

To get started, navigate into admin21 user’s the adventure_1 directory and read THE_ADVENTURE_BEGINS_README.txt using the following commands:

# cd into admin21's public/linux_adventures/adventure_1 directory:
cd ~admin21/public/linux_adventures/adventure_1

To complete the adventure for an extra credit point, you must copy the file containing the jigglypuff into your cs21/labs/02/pokeball/ directory.

Happy Hunting!

Figure 2. src