$ python3 search_usda.py
Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by state
2. Search by county
3. Search by median income
4. Show counties with highest and lowest poverty rates
0. Quit
Enter selection: 4
State abbreviation? PA
The highest and lowest poverty rates are:
| County | State |Total Pop| H.S. | Coll |Unemp |Pvrty | Income
| Bucks County | PA | 647159 | 94.4 | 42.9 | 5.0 | 6.5 | 99755
| Philadelphia Co | PA | 1589480 | 86.6 | 32.5 | 8.5 | 22.3 | 52882
Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by state
2. Search by county
3. Search by median income
4. Show counties with highest and lowest poverty rates
0. Quit
Enter selection: 4
State abbreviation? TX
The highest and lowest poverty rates are:
| County | State |Total Pop| H.S. | Coll |Unemp |Pvrty | Income
| Rockwall County | TX | 116549 | 93.6 | 43.8 | 4.4 | 5.1 | 120696
| Willacy County | TX | 20290 | 68.5 | 9.6 | 10.1 | 34.3 | 37087
Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by state
2. Search by county
3. Search by median income
4. Show counties with highest and lowest poverty rates
0. Quit
Enter selection: 4
State abbreviation? PE
No records found
Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by state
2. Search by county
3. Search by median income
4. Show counties with highest and lowest poverty rates
0. Quit
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