CS21 Lab 6: Pixel Processing

In this lab, we’ll write programs to visualize digital images in different ways culminating in an image mosaic. Along the way, we will practice nested for loops, lists, functions, and think more about how color is represented on computers.

gulliver’s travels gulliver’s travels mosaic

For most of this lab, we will use "Gulliver’s Travels" (1939) as an example. This movie is the second ever animated movie in Technicolor (after "Snow White") and is in the public domain.

Due MONDAY October 24, by midnight

Are your files in the correct place?

Make sure all programs are saved to your cs21/labs/06 directory! Files outside that directory will not be graded.

$ update21
$ cd ~/cs21/labs/06
$ pwd
$ ls
(should see your program files here)


The goals for this lab assignment are:

  • Use images as input to, and output from, our programs

  • Practice writing functions

  • Work with Image, Rectangle, and Point objects

  • Use methods and constructors

  • Work with lists.

Image Processing

For this lab we’ll use the Image library in Python (python3) for its graphics rather than Processing. The following facilities will be used:


from image import Image, Point, Rectangle

img = Image("FILENAME")      # create an Image object
img = Image(width, height)   # create a (width x height) blank image object
img.save("FILENAME")         # save the image

img.getWidth()               # returns the width of the image
img.getHeight()              # returns height of the image
img.resize(width, height)    # returns a resized version of the image

c = img.getPixel(x, y)       # returns the [r,g,b] color at (x, y) in img
img.setPixel(x, y, c)        # change the color at (x, y) in img to c

small.pasteInto(bigger, p)   # draw a small image in another bigger image
small.pasteInto(bigger, r)   # draw a smaller image within a rectangle of the bigger image

p = Point(x, y)              # create a Point object
p.getX()                     # returns the x-coordinate of p
p.getY()                     # returns the y-coordinate of p

r = Rectangle(p1, p2)        # create a Rectangle object with top left (p1)
                               and bottom right (p2) points.
r.getP1()                    # returns the the top left point of r
r.getP2()                    # returns the the bottom right point of r
r.setFill(c)                 # set the interior color of the rectangle
r.setOutline(c)              # set the boundary color of the rectangle
r.draw(img)                  # draw the rectange on the image (img)

1. Warm-up

Our warm-up program is based on pointillism by Dan Shiffman. Modify it so it draws n randomly placed rectangles.

from random import randrange
from image import Image, Point, Rectangle

def pixelize(img, n):
    Recreate an image, img, by drawing n randomly placed, and
    randomly sized rectangles, with the appropriate color

        img:Image - the image to pixelize
        n:int - number of rectangles to draw
        a new image

    i = Image(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    x = randrange(img.getWidth())
    y = randrange(img.getHeight())
    d = randrange(1, 20)
    c = img.getPixel(x, y)
    r = Rectangle(Point(x, y), Point(x + d, y + d))
    return i

def main():
    img = pixelize(Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png"), 20000)

$ python3 pixelize.py

gulliver’s travels

2. A Grid

Modify the pixelize function above to display a grid of squares, rather than random squares. The pixelize function should take two parameters that describe the width and height of the small rectangles, in addition to the image.

from image import Rectangle, Point, Image

def pixelize(img, w, h):
    Pixelize an image, img, with each block being w pixels wide
    and h pixels high. Color is determined by the top left pixel
    in the block.
        img:Image - the image to pixelize
        w:int - the width of each block
        h:int - the height of each block
        a new pixelized image

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    o_img = pixelize(img, 12, 18)


pixelized gullivers

2.1. Smaller Test Image

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/swarthmore.png")
    o_img = pixelize(img, 100, 61)


pixelized gullivers pixelized gullivers

2.2. Average RGB

To capture more information about the small rectangles, we’ll create a function to compute the average color of a patch. Write a function compute_avg(image, rectangle) that computes the average color of the rectangle with the top-left corner being rectangle.getP1() and the bottom-right corner being rectangle.getP2(). Add up all the values in the red channel and divide by the number of pixels in the rectangle, and do a similar calculation for the green and blue channels. Be sure to sure to only include the pixels that actually exist.

def main():
    i = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    whole = compute_avg(i, Rectangle(Point(0, 0),
                                     Point(i.getWidth(), i.getHeight())))

    print("image average:", whole)

    top = compute_avg(i, Rectangle(Point(0, 0),
                                   Point(i.getWidth(), i.getHeight()//2)))
    print("top average:", top)

    bottom = compute_avg(i, Rectangle(Point(0, i.getHeight()//2),
                                      Point(i.getWidth(), i.getHeight())))
    print("bottom average:", bottom)

    bigger = compute_avg(i, Rectangle(Point(-5, -5),
    	                              Point(2*i.getWidth(), i.getHeight())))
    print("image average (even when rectangle goes outside bounds):", bigger)



image average: (206, 179, 100)
top average: (202, 183, 86)
bottom average: (209, 175, 114)
image average (even when rectangle goes outside bounds): (206, 179, 100)

Modify pixelize to use your new compute_avg function.

def pixelize(img, w, h):
    Pixelize an image, img, with each block being w pixels wide
    and h pixels high. Color is determined by the average color
    in the block.
        img:Image - the image to pixelize
        w:int - the width of each block
        h:int - the height of each block
        a new pixelized image

    i = Image(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    c = compute_avg(________________)
    return i

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    o_img = pixelize(img, 12, 18)


averaged grid gullivers

2.3. Smaller Test Image

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/swarthmore.png")
    o_img = pixelize(img, 100, 61)


pixelized gullivers

3. Color Palette

Create a function sample_image(img, n) that returns a palette of colors based on an image. It should look at the color of the pixels at n random places in img, collect them in a list, and return it. You can use randrange(low, high) to ask Python for a random number in some range between low and high.

from random import seed, randrange

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    palette = sample_image(img, 8)
    for c in palette:



[255, 228, 1]
[254, 255, 250]
[255, 255, 255]
[46, 71, 112]
[255, 236, 22]
[255, 251, 247]
[254, 254, 254]
[253, 253, 243]

The seed function assures you get the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers every time the program is run.

4. RGB Distance

Write a function that computes the distance between two colors. There are many possible distance functions we could use, but let’s rely on the euclidean distance. The RGB cube is a kind of three-dimensional space like XYZ.

RGB cube from (wikipedia)

RGB cube

For example if we are comparing two colors, \(u\) and \(v\), \(d(u, v) = \sqrt{(u_r - v_r)^2 + (u_g - v_g)^2 + (u_b - v_b)^2}\).

def main():
    pink = [255, 51, 153]
    chocolate = [210, 105, 30]
    print("dist(pink, chocolate) = %f" % rgbdist(pink, chocolate))
    print(((255 - 210)**2 + (51 - 105)**2 + (153 - 30)**2)**0.5)



dist(pink, chocolate) = 141.668627

5. Nearest Color

Create a function nearest_color(palette, c) that returns the index of the closest color in the list of colors (palette).

def main():
    pink = [255, 51, 153]
    chocolate = [210, 105, 30]
    purple = [0, 255, 255]
    three_colors = [pink, chocolate, purple]
    c1 = [0, 196, 128]
    n1 = nearest_color(three_colors, c1)  ## returns 2

    c2 = [0, 22, 2]
    n2 = nearest_color(three_colors, c2)  ## returns 1


As a hint, if we were trying to find the nearest_number (rather than the nearest_color), we might write an algorithm that searches through the list finding the smallest distance.

def distance(x, y):
    ''' find the distance between x and y'''
    return abs(x-y)

def nearest_number(lst, n):
    ''' return the _index_ of the item in lst that is closest to n'''
    min_i = 0
    min_dist = distance(n, lst[0])
    for i in range(1, len(lst)):
        v = lst[i]
        d = distance(v, n)
        if d < min_dist:
            min_dist = d
       	    min_i = i
    return min_i

def main():
    nums = [-5, 2, 10, 99, 1000]
    print("closest to 0 is %d" % nums[nearest_number(nums, 0)])
    print("closest to 800 is %d" % nums[nearest_number(nums, 800)])



closest to 0 is 2
closest to 800 is 1000

6. Colorize the Image

Use the function nearest_color to recolor your small rectangles based on a palette. You can use the palette generated by sample_image (which you already wrote) or design your own color palette.

def pixelize(img, w, h, palette):
    Pixelize an image, img, with each block being w pixels wide
    and h pixels high. Color is determined by the finding the
    closest color in the palette to the average pixel in the block.
        img:Image - the image to pixelize
        w:int - the width of each block
        h:int - the height of each block
        palette:list - a list of colors
        a new pixelized image

    c_i = nearest_color(____)

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    colors = sample_image(img, 12)
    o_img = pixelize(img, 12, 18, colors)


gulliver’s travels colorized

7. Mosaic

We ran a program (ffmpeg) to extract all the frames of "Gulliver’s Travels." You will use these images to build an image mosaic of the movie poster. Each patch of the movie poster will be represented by one of the frames of the movie.

You only need to write one function in this section: image_averages. To generate the mosaic shown at the top of this webpage, you will use the image_averages function that you will write along with two functions which we provide for you: load_images and mosaic.

7.1. load_images

Let’s first load in all of the frames of the movie using the load_images function provided below. (Just copy and paste this function into your program.) You can use the sample main function below to test that the function is working.

def load_images(base, max_imgs):
    Return a list of images from files named BASE/output_0001.png,
    BASE/output_0002.png, ...BASE/output_[max_imgs].png

        base:str - the directory and prefix of the files to load
        max_imgs:int - the highest numbered image in the directory
        a list of Images
    WARNING: Takes about 6 seconds to load all 2294 gulliver images

    imgs = []
    for i in range(1, max_imgs):
        img = Image("%s/output_%04d.png" % (base, i))
    return imgs

def main():
    # This loads all 2294 images into the list called images
    images = load_images("/data/cs21/gulliver", 2294)

    # As a demonstration of what you've loaded, let's make a
    # film strip from the first ten images of the list. This
    # part below is just for demonstation and you won't use
    # this in your final code for the lab.
    n = 10
    w = images[0].getWidth() // 4   # the target width for the images
    h = images[0].getHeight() // 4  # the target height for the images
    strip = Image(w * n, h)         # the strip will be n images wide

    for i in range(n):
    	rect = Rectangle(Point(i*w, 0), Point(i*w + w, h))
        images[i].pasteInto(strip, rect)  # paste the frame



fist 10 frames

7.2. image_averages

Now that you’ve loaded in all of the movies frames, let’s calculate the average color in each frame. You need to write this function: images_averages(image_list). This function takes the list of movie frames you read in from load_images as its only parameter. You want to compute the average color in each frame of the movie, accumulating the results into a list. The function will return this list of colors. The function stub is below.

def image_averages(image_list):
    Return a list of the average color of each image in a list of images.

        image_list:list - a list of Images
        a list of colors (list of [r, g, b])
    WARNING: Takes about a minute to compute the average of all
             2294 gulliver images

def main():
    images = load_images("/data/cs21/gulliver", 2294)
    averages = image_averages(images)
    for i in range(10):
        print("frame %d's average rgb is %s" % (i, averages[i]))


The main function prints out the average RGB values for the first ten frames. Be sure your output matches the output below before proceeding to the next section.


frame 0's average rgb is (33, 33, 28)
frame 1's average rgb is (76, 58, 78)
frame 2's average rgb is (85, 64, 84)
frame 3's average rgb is (74, 48, 68)
frame 4's average rgb is (83, 54, 76)
frame 5's average rgb is (115, 84, 103)
frame 6's average rgb is (112, 85, 103)
frame 7's average rgb is (112, 85, 101)
frame 8's average rgb is (108, 73, 87)
frame 9's average rgb is (100, 70, 74)

7.3. mosaic

Finally, we will use the list of frames from the movie and the list of average colors from each frame to generate the mosaic.

Rather than drawing a rectangle using rect.draw(img), mosaic use inserts a small_image into a bigger_image image using small_image.pasteInto(bigger_image, rect).

The function mosaic below takes the bigger image, the list of individual movie frames (the smaller images), and the width and height of smaller images: mosaic(image, frames, img_width, img_height) and returns the image mosaic.

You can just copy and paste this code into your program.

def mosaic(img, frames, img_width, img_height):
    Pixelize an image, img, with each block being img_width pixels
    wide and img_height pixels high. Blocks are images from the list
    of images based on the image that most closely matches the color
    of the pasted image.
        img:Image - the image to pixelize
        frames:list - a list of images
        image_width:int - the width of each block
        image_height:int - the height of each block
        a new pixelized image
    new_img = Image(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    avgs = image_averages(frames)
    for x in range(0, img.getWidth(), img_width):
        for y in range(0, img.getHeight(), img_height):
            # create a rectangle object to describe the patch
            r = Rectangle(Point(x, y), Point(x + img_width, y + img_height))

            # compute the average color of the patch
            c = compute_avg(img, r)

            # find the nearest (in terms of color) frame to this patch
            nearest_i = nearest_color(avgs, c)
            smallImage = frames[nearest_i]

            # draw the small frame into the poster
            smallImage.pasteInto(new_img, r)
    return new_img

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    frames = load_images("/data/cs21/gulliver", 2294) # see subset note below
    o_img = mosaic(img, frames, 18, 12)

Mosaic with all 2294 images

gulliver’s travels mosaic

7.4. Subset of the Images

While testing this part of the lab, you can speed up the program by loading only the first 50 images or so, rather than all 2294 images. This generates a much less accurate mosaic, but you can compare the mosaic you generate this way using sample mosaic below.

Mosaic with only first 50 images

gulliver’s travels mosaic

def main():
    img = Image("/data/cs21/gulliver/poster_full.png")
    # Change from 2294 to 50 makes it run faster (with worse results)
    frames = load_images("/data/cs21/gulliver", 50)
    o_img = mosaic(img, frames, 18, 12)


7.5. OPTIONAL: Discourage Duplicates

An extra challenge is to discourage the program from drawing the same image repeatedly.

Answer the Questionnaire

Each lab will have a short questionnaire at the end. Please edit the Questions-06.txt file in your cs21/labs/06 directory and answer the questions in that file.

Once you’re done with that, you should run handin21 again.

Submitting lab assignments

Remember to run handin21 to turn in your lab files! You may run handin21 as many times as you want. Each time it will turn in any new work. We recommend running handin21 after you complete each program or after you complete significant work on any one program.

Logging out

When you’re done working in the lab, you should log out of the computer you’re using.

First quit any applications you are running, like the browser and the terminal. Then click on the logout icon (logout icon or other logout icon) and choose "log out".

If you plan to leave the lab for just a few minutes, you do not need to log out. It is, however, a good idea to lock your machine while you are gone. You can lock your screen by clicking on the lock xlock icon. PLEASE do not leave a session locked for a long period of time. Power may go out, someone might reboot the machine, etc. You don’t want to lose any work!