Setting up git repo and getting starting point files for lab 1

One of you and your partner should set up a git repo for your lab 1 assignment. You should both clone it (in a private cs45 subdirectory). Then one of you copy over starting point files into your cloned version, add, commit and push them to the shared repo. The other should pull these files. Follow these steps:

# (1) both create a private cs45/labs/ subdirectory:

$ mkdir cs45
$ cd cs45
$ mkdir labs
$ cd labs

# (2) only one of you should create a shared bare git repo for lab 1:

$ cs45lab01 
# this will prompt you for your and your partner's user names
# and set up an empty git repo you can both access in your
# share/cs45lab01/ subdirectory 

# (3) both of you should clone the repo (into your private ~/cs45/labs/ directory):
$ cd ~/cs45/labs/
$ git clone ~partner1_username/share/cs45lab01  
$ cd cs45lab01

# (4) one of you do this in your repo (in ~/cs45/lab01/):

$ cp ~newhall/public/cs45/lab01/* .
$ git add *
$ git commit
$ git push         # try `git push origin master` if this fails the first time

# (5) then the other do this:
$ git pull

# you should now both have a private copy of your shared repo with 
# the starting point files to which you can push and pull changes
The starting point code includes:
  1. Makefile: a makefile you should use to compile your program
  2. parsecmd.c, parsecmd.h: starting point for a parsecmd library into which you will add command line parsing functions used by your shell program.
  3. shell.c: the starting point for your shell program.
  4. sleeper.c: a program that can be used to test running in the background: you should create other test programs for testing your shell's functionality
For more information on git see: git basics