The Mobile Robot Contests



Hors d'oeuvres anyone?
The objective of this contest is to create service robots who can offer hors d'oeuvres to attendees at the receptions. Each contestant is required to explicitly and unambiguously demonstrate interaction with the spectators.


  • 1st Place: Swarthmore College, Alfred
  • 2nd Place: The Robotics Institute, CMU, T.A.W.
  • 3rd Place: University of Southern California, Mr. Hanky and Cartman
  • Technical Innovation for Integrating Machine Learning: University of Arkansas, Elektro
  • Technical Innovation for Conceptual and Artistic Design: University of South Florida, Borg Shark and Puffer Fish
  • University of North Dakota, Rusty

Scavenger Hunt
Just like the old party game, your goal will be to find a given list of items. The objective of this contest is to create a forum for a wide variety of robotic skills to be displayed.



Contest Area

More detail on Hors d'oeuvres anyone?

More detail on Scavenger Hunt

Last modified by Lisa Meeden on July 6, 1999