CS Faculty & Staff

Richard Wicentowski, Professor :: Department Chair ::
Office: 251 Science Center
Phone: 610-690-5643
Email: richardw at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing
Joshua Brody, Assistant Professor (On leave 2017-18)
Office: Clothier 14
Phone: 610.690.6866
Email: brody at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest:Theory, Communication Complexity, Unconditional Lower Bounds
Andrew Danner, Associate Professor
Office: 247 Science Center
Phone: 610.328.8665
Email: adanner at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: I/O-efficient algorithms, GIS
Lila Fontes, Assistant Professor
Office: 258 Science Center
Phone: 610-690-5313
Email: fontes at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Theory of Computation, Privacy, Communication Complexity
Martin Gagné, Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: 270 Science Center
Phone: 610-690-6872
Email: mgagne1 at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Cryptography
Sara Mathieson, Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: 260 Science Center
Phone: 610.690.5525
Email: smathieson at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Population Genetics
Lisa Meeden, Professor
Office: 243 Science Center
Phone: 610.328.8565
Email: meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
Tia Newhall, Professor
Office: 249 Science Center
Phone: 610.690.5637
Email: newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Parallel and Distributed Systems
Zachary Palmer, Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: 270 Science Center
Phone: 610-957-6070
Email: zpalmer at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Programming Languages, Software Engineering
Ameet Soni, Assistant Professor
Office: 253 Science Center
Phone: 610.957.6288
Email: soni at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Computational Biology
Kevin Webb, Assistant Professor
Office: 255 Science Center
Phone: 610.957.6071
Email: kwebb at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Networks and Distributed Systems
Bryce Wiedenbeck, Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: 262 Science Center
Phone: 610-957-2070
Email: bryce at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Agent-Based Modeling
David Mauskop, Lecturer
Office: 262A Science Center
Phone: 610.690.2041
Email: mauskop at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, NLP, Functional Programming Languages
Lauri Courtenay, Academic Support Coordinator
Office: 257 Science Center
Phone: 610.957.6062
Email: lauri at cs.swarthmore.edu
Jeff Knerr, System and Network Administrator
Office: 238A Science Center
Phone: 610.690.5758
Email: knerr at cs.swarthmore.edu
Bridget Rothera, Administrative Assistant
Office: 239 Science Center
Phone: 610.328.8272
Email: rothera at cs.swarthmore.edu
Charles Kelemen, Professor Emeritus
Office: 262 Science Center
Phone: 610.328.8515
Email: cfk at cs.swarthmore.edu
Areas of Interest: Theory of computation, Algorithms